Kathak Dance Syllabus Code No. 056 for Class -XII 12th CBSE Board 2023-24
CLASS–XII (2023-24)
Total Marks: 100
Theory Marks:30
Time-2 Hours
1. A brief history with other classical dance styles of India.
2. Basic understanding of the term ABHINAYA and definition of its four aspects:angika, vachika, aharya,satvika.
3. Aquitance of the three gharanas of kathak dance (Lucknow, Jaipur,Banaras)
4. Rasa: definition and explanation of nine rasas.
5. Knowledge of the following terms: (short note) sangeet, tal, laya, angahara,bhramari, lokadharmi, natyadharmi, rasa and bhava.
6. Knowledge of the technical terminology of the dance form.
a) Definition of the following:
i) Vandana
ii) Tihaayi
iii) Aamad
iv) Toda/Tukraa
v) Paran
vi) Chakardar Toda /Tukraa andParan
vii) Gatnikas
viii) Gatbhaav
b) Knowledge of Theka of Dadra, Kaharwa, Roopak.
c) Definition of Tali, Khali, Sam, Tihaayi.
d) Ability to notate a Tukraa/Toda and Paran.
7. Acquaintance with the traditional costumes and makeup.
Practical Marks:70
30 Periods
1. Practice of the tatkar set to teen taal and jhap taal in slower tempo, in its double(dugun) and four times (chougun)tempos.
2. Student should know all the techniques and compositions of the following:
(i) Vandanaa 1
(ii) Thaat 1
(iii) Aamad 2
(iv) Fast aamad 2
(v) Tukda, Toda 1
(vi) Tihaayi 4
(vii) Gatnikas 3
(viii) Gatbhav 1
(ix) Parhant of tukra/todaa, with hasta- kriyaa 1
NOTE: The students should be taught some of these in jhap taal and dhamar tal.
3. Ability to improvise in nritta and abhinaya.
4. Parhant (recitation of bols) to the basic theka of all compositions learnt.
Practical Marks:70
Time: At the discretion of the
Examiner. General Instructions:
There are four important aspects of Kathak which need careful assessment. They are:
(a) Angashudhi, which means that movements of limbs and torso should not only begraceful and aesthetic butal so in accordance with the style of the Kathak dance.
(b) Laya, i.e., the steadiness of tempo and command over rhythmic structure in any passage of dance.
(c) Bhaav-Paksh, i.e., the capability to express through mime in which face plays a dominant role.
(d) Tatkaar, i.e., neatness in executing complicated footwork.
Distribution of marks and other instructions
The total marks of 70 may be divided as indicated below:
1. For the Angashuddhi 20 marks may be allotted, for laya and Bhaav paksh each may be allotted 15 marks, and footwork (Tatkaar) 10 marks. The remaining 10 marks may be equally divided for repertoire and Parhant.
2. Each examinee should perform for about 15 minutes and in all the three layas, i.e., vilambit, madhya and drut. In Vilambit Laya he/she may perform Thaat, Aamed, Ganesh Paran, fast Aamad, Tihai and Tatkaar; in Madhya Laya; Tukra/Todaa, Paran, Abhinaya of a Thumri/Bhajan; and in Drut Laya; Gatnikaas and Gat-Bhaav.
3. As said ab ove five marks may be allotted for the richness of the repertoire. The examinee is required to perform atleast one item from each of the intraforms mentioned in the syllabus, i.e., Vandanaa, Ganesh Paran, Thaat, Aamad, fast Aamad, Parmelu, Tihaayi, Gat- nikaas andGat-bhaav.
4. The examinee should be asked to do the Parhant of a tukraa/toraa and then performitonThekaa.While doing Parhan the/she should also indicate the taal by doing hasta-kriyaa. This will give the idea of his/her command over
the taal. As indicated above five marks may be allotted for the manner in which Parhant is done.
5.The examine may be ask edto play the Thekaa of Teen taal or Jhap tal on Table.
6. The examinee may be asked to abhinaya on a line or two from any thumri or bhajan and elaborate it with sanchaari passages.