धूलिया मल्लार राग का साधारण चलन इस प्रकार है। इसमें का अंग आता है व ‘मरे’ की संगति आनन्दवर्धक है ।
Dhulia Mallar Raag
How To Read Sargam Notes
- “(k)” is used for komal swars.eg – ( रे(k) , ग(k) , ध(k) , नि(k) ) (Note – You can write ( रे , ग , ध , नि ) in this manner in exams . )
- म(t) here “(t)” is used for showing teevra swar म(t) . (Note – You can write ( म॑ ) in this manner in exams . )
- “-” is used for stretching the swars according to the song.
- Swars written “रेग” in this manner means they are playing fast or two swars on one beat.
- (रे)सा here “रे” is kan swar or sparsh swar and “सा” is mool swar. (Note – You can write ( रेसा ) in this manner in exams . )
- [ नि – प ] here this braket [ ] is used for showing Meend from “नि” swar to “प” . (Note – You can write ( नि प ) making arc under the swars in this manner in exams . )
- { निसां रेंसां नि } here this braket {} is used for showing Khatka in which swars are playing fast .
साधारण चलन
[ म, रेमम ], प, पपपनि(k), धनिमपसां, निसां, रें, सांनि(k)धप,
मसांनि॒(k)धप, [ म, रे ], ममप ।