CBSE Board Class 12 Hindustani Vocal Music Syllabus 2024-25 & Music Theory Notes

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Hindustani Vocal Music Syllabus Code No. 034 for Class – XII 12th CBSE Board 2024-25


Course Structure – Class XII

Theory- 60 periods                                                               30 Marks

Time: 02 hours

  1. Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus.
Sr.No.UnitsNo. of PeriodsMarks  
 Unit 108 
1.1Brief study of the following: – Alankar, Kan, Meend, Khatka, Murki, Gamak.050
1.2Brief study of the following Gram, Murchhana,Alap,Tana.076
 Unit 205 
2.1Historical development of Time Theory of Ragas056
 Unit 308 
3.1Detail study of the following Sangeet Ratnakar Sangeet Parijat040 6
3.2Life sketch and Cotributionof Faiyaz Khan, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Krishna Rao,Shankar Pandit.04 
 Unit 409 
4.1Description of Prescribed Talas along with Tala Notation with Thah, Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun Jhaptala Rupak Dhamar0606
4.2Tuning of Tanpura03 
 Unit 510 
5.1Critical study of Prescribed Ragas along with recognizing Ragas from phrases of Swaras and elaborating them excluding Raga Shuddha Sarang.  0406
5.2Writing in Notation the Compositions of Prescribed Ragas. BhairavBageshriMalkauns06 


Class XII

Practical: 100 periods                                              70 Marks

Sr.No.TopicsNo. of periods
1.One Vilambit Khayal with simple elaborations and few Tanas in any two of the prescribed Ragas.18
2.One Drut Khayal with simple elaborations and few tanas in the following Ragas-Bhairav, Bageshri, and Malkauns.42
3.One Tarana and one Dhamar with dugun and chaugun in any one of the prescribed Ragas.10
4.Ability to recognize the Ragas from the Phrases of swaras rendered by the examiner.10
5.Recitation of the Thekas of Jhaptala, Rupak, and Dhamar with Dugun and Chaugun, keeping tala With hand beats.15
6.Tuning of Tanpura.05

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* Teachers will refer to the distribution of marks while examining the candidate for practical examination

Class 12th Vocal Music syllabus & Music theory notes in Hindi  are described  in this post  .. Saraswati sangeet sadhana provides complete Indian classical music theory in easy method . Saraswati sangeet sadhana …….

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