CBSE Board Class 10 Hindustani Music Percussion Syllabus 2024-25 & Music Theory Notes

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Hindustani Music Percussion Syllabus Code No. 036 for Class -X 10th CBSE Board 2024-25


Examination Structure for Assessment – Class X

                                                                                   Total: 100 Marks

Theory:                                                                      30 Marks

 Time: 02 hours

Practical (External Assessment)                             50 Marks

Time: 15-20 Minutes for each candidate

1. External Examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.

2. Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.

Distribution of Marks

Sr. No.Value PointsMarks
1.Knowledge of Kayadas or Relas, Paltas, Tihai, Chakradar Tukras or Parans in Ektala or Chautala08
2.Laggi in Keharwa and Dadra Talas.05
3.Knowledge of Kayada or Rela, ChakradarTukras or Parans in Jhaptala orSultala06
4.Demonstration of Adalaya Kayada or Rela,Farmaishi Chakradar, Sadharan Gat, Stuti Parans in Teentala or Aditala08
5.Demonstration of Thekas of Rupak or Tevra, Ektala or Chautala with hand beats.05
6.Ability to play Kayadas, Paltas, Tihais, Relas, Tukras, Parans in prescribed Talas05
7.Accompaniment with Bhajan and Geet05
8.Solo Performance in any of the prescribed Tala:- Teentala or Aditala, Jhaptala or Sultala, Ektala or Chautala.08
  • External Examiner will refer to the distribution of marks while examining the candidate forPractical Examination.

Internal Assessment                                                  20 Marks


Course Structure – Class X

Theory – 40 periods

Time: 02 hours                                                    30 Marks

1. Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus unit wise.

2. Candidate has to attempt at least one question from each unit.

Sr.No.UnitsNo. of PeriodsMarks
 Unit 10606
1.1Define the following:Farmaishi Chakradar Tukra or Paran.02 
1.2Short notes on Tripushkar Vadya04 
 Unit 21209
2.1Brief study of Delhi Gharana of Tabla and Nana Panse Gharana of Pakhawaj.07 
2.2Salient features of Farukhabad Gharana of Tabla or Nath Dwara Gharana of Pakhawaj05 
 Unit 31009
3.1Ability to write: Kayada or Rela, Tukra,or Paran, in Teentaal or Adi Taal and Jhaptaal or Sultaal with Taal Notation system.05 
3.2Write one Traditioal Kayda or Rela of anyone Gharana in Teentaal or Aditaal with Taal Notation system.05   
 Unit 41206
4.1Ability to write the Kayda or Rela in Ektaal or Chautaal with Taal notation system.06 
4.2Ability to write the Thekas of Jhaptaal or Sultaal, Ektaal or Chautaal in Thah, Dugun and Chaugun ,lay.06 

Class X

Practical –100 Periods                                                    50 Marks

1.a.One Kayda or Rela in Ektaal or Chautaal with two Paltas and Tihai.
b. One Chakardar Tukras or Parans and one simple Tihai Ektaal or Chautaal.Two Laggis in Keharwa .
2.Ability to play two Kaydas or Rela in Jhaptaal or Sultaal.15
3.Ability to play one Adalaya Kayda or Rela, Two Sadharan Kaydas or Relas, One Farmaishi Chakardar and one Gat or Stuti Paran in Teentaal or Aditaal.15
4.Ability to play varieties of Thekas in Teentala or Adi Tala , Jhaptala or Sultala, Rupak or Teevra.10
5.Ability to play Kayda, Paltas, Tihai, Relas, Tukra,Paran, Chakardar in Teentaal or Adi Taal, Jhaptaal or Sultaal, Ektaal.12
6.Ability to do accompaniment with Bhajan8
7.Solo performance with lehara at least 08-10 minutes in Teentala or Adi Tala and 05-07 minutes in Jhaptala or Sultala.15

Hindustani Music Percussion (Code – 036)

Class X

Internal Assessment:                                                                                                           20 Marks

1. Project File:                                                                                                                        05 Marks

  • Writing the composition (Kayada, Rela, Tukra or Paran, Farmaishi, Chakradar Tukraor Paran prescribed in the syllabus in notation
  • Identifying and interviewing neighbour hood artists, draw & label any one instrument (percussion).
  • Description and writing the notation of prescribed Talas with Layakaries (Thah, Dugun, Chaugun).
  • Draw and label any one percussion instrument.

2. Project Work                                                                                                                   05 Marks

Suggestive Topics *

Interrelationship of the following;

i. Music and Religion

ii. Music and cinema

iii. Music and electronic media

iv. Devotional aspects of music

v. Interrelationships of Arts (Music-dance or theatre or visual arts)

*Students may choose any one of the above topics or any other topic for project in consultation with teacher.

3. Periodic practical Test, restricted to three in an Academic year. 10 Marks

Average of best two tests to be taken for final marks submission.Each test will examine a candidate to perform solo recital in prescribed Talas with Kayada or Rela, Tukra or Chakradar, Paran in Teentala or Aaditala.

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Class X 10th Music Percussion instruments syllabus & Answer,theory notes  are described  in this post  .. Saraswati sangeet sadhana provides complete Indian classical music theory in easy method ..

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