Hindustani Melodic Instrument Syllabus Code No. 035 for Class -X 10th CBSE Board 2024-25
Examination Structure for Assessment – Class X
Theory: 30 Marks Total: 100Marks
Practical (External Assessment) Time: 02
Time: 20-25 Minutes for each candidate hours 50 Marks
1. External examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.
2. Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.
1. External examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.
2. Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.
Distribution of Marks
Sr.no. | Value Points | Marks |
1. | One Maseet Khani Gat with elaborations in any one of the Prescribed Raga: 1. Bhupali 2. Khamaj 3. Brindavani Sarang | 14 |
2. | Aaroha, Avroha, Pakad, Drut Gat with few Todas and Jhala in each prescribed Raga | 24 |
3. | Identification of prescribed Ragas from the phrases of Swaras rendered by the examiner | 04 |
4. | One Dhun | 04 |
5. | Recitation of Thekas of the following prescribed Talas with Dugun: 1. Sultala 2. Rupak | 04 |
- External Examiner will refer to the distribution of Marks while examining the candidate for Practical Examination.
Internal Assessment 20 Mark
Course Structure – Class X
Theory: 40 period
Time: 02 hours 30 Marks
1. Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus
Sr. No. | Units | No. of periods | Marks |
Unit 1 | 10 | 06 | |
1.1 | Definition of the following :Aalap, Taan, Meend, Kan. | 04 | |
1.2 | Definition of the following: Dhrupad, Masitkhani Gat, Razakhani Gat. | 06 | |
Unit 2 | 08 | 06 | |
2.1 | Basic knowledge of the structure and Tuning of any one of The following instruments: Sitar Sarod Violin Dilruba or Esraj Flute Mandolin Guitar | 06 | |
Unit 3 | 10 | 06 | |
3.1 | Detailed study of the following Ragas: -Khamaj, Brindavani Sarang, Bhupali | 05 | |
3.2 | Description and Taal notation of the following Taals with Thah Dugun,Tigun and Chaugun:- Tilwada, Rupak. | 05 | |
Unit 4 | 08 | 06 | |
4.1 | Ability to do notation of compositions in prescribed raags. | 04 | |
4.2 | To identify Raags from Phrases and elaborate them in Swars. | 04 | |
Unit 5 | 04 | 06 | |
5.1 | Brief life sketch and contribution to music of Tansen, Allaudin Khan and Inayat Khan. | 02 | |
5.2 | Contribution of Omkar Nath Thakur | 02 |
Class – X
Practical – 100 Periods
External Practical 50 Marks
Sr.No | Topics | No. of periods |
1. | One Maseetkhani Gat with simple Todas in any one prescribed raags.- Bhupali Khamaj Brindavani Sarang | 15 |
2. | Aaroh, Avroh, Pakad and Drut Gat with Taan and Jhala in each of the prescribed ragas: | 45 |
3. | One Dhun | 10 |
4. | Ability to recognize the prescribed Raags from The Phrases of swars rendered by the examiner. | 10 |
5. | Recitation of the Thekas of the following Taals with Dugun, keeping Taal with hand beats: Tilwada, Rupak | 10 |
Melodic Instrument (Code –35) Class X
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
1. Project File: 05 Marks
- Writing in notation the musical composition of all Ragas prescribed in the syllabus.
- Identifying and interviewing neigh bour hood artists.
- Draw & label any one instrument (melodic).
- Description and writing of the notation of all prescribed Talas with
- Layakaries (Thah, Dugun, Tigun, Chaugun).
- Draw and label any one of the percussion instrument.
2. Project Work 05 Marks
- Suggestive Topics*
Interrelationship of the following;
I. Music and Religion
II. Music and Cinema
III. Music and Electronic media
IV. Devotional aspects of music
V. Interrelationship of Arts (music-dance or theatre or visual arts)
*Students may choose any one of the above topics or any other topic for project in consultation with the teacher.
3. Periodic practical Test, restricted to three in an Academic year. 10 Marks Average of best two tests to be taken for final marks submission. Each test will examine a candidate for one Raga from the syllabus, one Folk song or one Dhun and two Talas.
Class 10th Music Melodic instruments syllabus & Answer,theory notes are described in this post .. Saraswati sangeet sadhana provides complete Indian classical music theory in easy method ..
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