Carnatic Vocal Music Syllabus Code No. 031 for Class – X 10th CBSE Board 2023-24
Class X (2023-24)
Time: 2 hrs.
Sr.No. | Topics | Periods |
1. | Brief knowledge of Raga classification. | 6 |
2. | Brief knowledge of scheme of 72 Melakarta. | 6 |
3. | Knowledge of Ragas Prescribed – Suddha Dhanyasi,Sriranjani, Suddha Saveri, Bhairavi Keeravani, Kambhoji, Ananda Bhairavi. | 8 |
4. | Detailed knowledge of Kriti with explanation of decorative angas, Varnams – Tana Varnam & PadaVarnam. | 6 |
5. | Rudiments of notation & writings of notations of Varnamasand Geetams. Deleted the number Varnams and Geetam in to one. | 8 |
6. | Life and contribution of the following 20th Century Composers: a. otisvaraIyer b. PapanasamSivan c. G.N.Balasubramaniam | 6 |
Total Periods | 40 |
Format for Class X Examination
Practical 70 Marks
S.No | Topics | Periods |
1. | Singing of Alankaras and Swara Exercise in a raga other than Mayamalava Goula in three degrees of speed. | 10 |
2. | Rendering of at least one Varnams learnt in twodegrees of speed. | 20 |
3. | Question based on kriti. Rendition of Kriti learnt in Adi, Roopak and Chapu talas. Swarajmanam test based on the compositions learnt. | 28 18 |
4. | Short bout of Kalpana Swaras in 1st speed for the compositionsmentioned in the syllabus. | 15 |
5. | Any one item from Topic IV | 5 |
6. | Tuning of Tanpura | 4 |
Total Periods | 100 |